Chapel of St. Francisco de Assis


Those who walk along DF-001, take DF-475 and continue along VC-341, after passing through the farms of Núcleo Rural Casa Grande, are faced with a work that reveres nature, faith and the social evolution resulting from community organization . At the top of a small hill surrounded by other hills and a wide horizon, is one of the most beautiful churches in the Federal District: the São Francisco de Assis church.
This Church has an architecture of unique beauty, surrounded by a huge green area where you can enjoy a beautiful sunset.

Núcleo Rural Casa Grande – Gama. Telephone: (61) 3334-2082 - Instagram: @capelasaofrancisco
Visitation: From Tuesday to Saturday, from 2 pm to 6 pm. On Sundays in the external area, from 8 am to 6 pm. Mass: On Wednesdays at 8 pm and Saturdays at 5:30 pm.